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Neurology & My MRI

 The end of last week was tough emotionally and mentally. I had some tough chats and there are some important decisions I'll have to make in the future.

After my tilt table test in October 2022, I scheduled an appointment with neurology in March 2023. The neurologist didn't have any answers for me and we tried a variety of medicine that would treat migraines and their symptoms. One annoyance my neurologist didn't understand: I don't experience migraines. I've had a few in my life, but migraines and headaches aren't my number one symptom and don't usually affect me on a day-to-day basis. After seeing him for 6-7 months, I was able to schedule an MRI. 

The MRI was scheduled for November. The day came and I was so nervous: what happens if something is affecting my brain?? 

I have a pretty big history of trauma associated with neurologists, brain issues and conditions, and now MRIs. My dad was diagnosed with a brain tumor in the early 2000s and he spent much of my childhood being treated and seen by many specialists in this field. I didn't think having an MRI would be such an emotional time, but I was wrong. From the moment I stepped into the office I was a mess. And once inside the machine, the tears started streaming. It was a long 20 minutes...

Fast-forward to my results - no regions of abnormality, no hemorrhages or mass seen. 

Back to square one again...

Later this month I'll be seeing an ENT and (fingers crossed) will schedule a CT Scan soon. This will show whether or not I have Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome (SCDS) and will either put me on the road to recovery or send me back to the drawing board. 

Good news: I found some new glasses that block fluorescent lights and visual stimuli that often trigger my symptoms AND some new earplugs that help with loud noises. These have helped SO MUCH over the last week and my days have been much more bearable. 


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